100% Real Telegram Users for Channels, Mini-Apps & Chat-Bots
We can help in acquiring thousands of genuine Telegram users from all geos for your specific niche. Top-performing verticals include Web3 Tap-2-Earn, Gambling, FMCG, Telecom, Utilities, and Entertainment.
Let’s discsuss how we can take your Telegram project to the next level. Thanks!
Type: sell
Verticals: adult, apps, casino, gambling, crypto, dating, e-commerce, education, fashion, finance, forex/binary, games, health, auto, coupons, insurance, investing, lotto, make money, mobile content, sports betting, sweepstakes, tech, mortgage, beauty
Traffic: social media, other
Basis: cpc
Countries: australia, argentina, austria, brazil, canada, chile, colombia, denmark, egypt, france, germany, india, iran, israel, kenya, kuwait, malaysia, mexico, peru, russia, thailand, turkey, uae, united kingdom, united states, venezuela
Integration type: other
Languages: arabic, english, hebrew, hindi, indonesian, italian, malay, russian, turkish
Platform: desktop, mobile
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August 16, 2024
Post Views: 121