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When sticking close to e-commerce trends, it can be easy to forget that the vertical is much more than just clothes, gadgets, and home appliances. It’s so easy that select affiliates have been making bank on cleaning out user bases for less appreciated niches like domain names and flower delivery. Today’s featured offers are an opportunity to find out how massive an audience there is to monetize outside of the spotlight.

156734 [WEB+MOB] /International Revshare
156610 [WEB+MOB] 1-800 Flowers /US Revshare

With international reach and competitive rates, the offers are ripe for scaling. Set up a test and you might build something great.

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Type: offer
Payout Type: rev/share
Payout ($): up to 40%
Verticals: e-commerce
Company/Network: ClickDealer
Traffic Sources: affiliation, blogs/forums, database, display, email marketing, non-incent, podcasting, pop up/under, rating sites, search engine, social media, video, other
Platform: desktop, mobile
Countries: algeria, andorra, angola, antigua and barbuda, argentina, armenia, australia, austria, azerbaijan, albania, bahamas, bahrain, bangladesh, barbados, belarus, belgium, belize, benin, bhutan, bolivia, afghanistan, bosnia and herzegovina, burkina faso, burundi, cabo verde, cambodia, cameroon, bulgaria, canada, central african republic, chad, chile, china, colombia, comoros, congo, brunei, costa rica, croatia, cuba, cyprus, czech republic, côte d'ivoire, denmark, djibouti, brazil, dominica, dominican republic, dr congo, ecuador, egypt, el salvador, equitorial guinea, botswana, eritrea, estonia, eswatini, ethiopia, gambia, georgia, germany, ghana, gabon, greece, grenada, guatemala, guinea, guinea-bissau, guyana, haiti, holy see, honduras, hungary, iceland, india, indonesia, iran, iraq, ireland, israel, italy, jamaica, japan, france, jordan, kiribati, kuwait, kyrgystan, laos, latvia, lebanon, lesotho, liberia, kenya, libya, liechtenstein, lithuania, luxembourg, madagascar, malawi, malaysia, maldives, mali, malta, marshall islands, mauritiana, mauritius, mexico, micronesia, moldova, monaco, mongolia, kazakhstan, montenegro, morocco, mozambique, myanmar, namibia, nauru, nepal, new zealand, finland, nicaragua, niger, nigeria, north korea, north macedonia, norway, oman, pakistan, fiji, palau, panama, papua new guinea, saint lucia, romania, phillippines, poland, portugal, peru, qatar, russia, rwanda, saint kitts and nevis, samoa, san marino, sao tome and principe, paraguay, saudi arabia, state of palestine, spain, south korea, somalia, slovenia, singapore, sierra leone, slovakia, solomon islands, south africa, south sudan, sri lanka, sudan, suriname, sweden, switzerland, syria, tajikistan, tanzania, thailand, the netherlands, timor-leste, togo, tonga, trinidad and tobago, tunisia, turkey, turkmenistan, tuvalu, uae, uganda, ukraine, united kingdom, united states, uruguay, uzbekistan, vanuatu, venezuela, vietnam, yemen, zambia, zimbabwe, serbia, seychelles, siant vincent and grenadines, senegal
Languages: english, french, german, spanish, portuguese
Integration: affiliate link
Content: digital
Payment Type: crypto, wire, paypal
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